Thursday, February 2, 2012

A New Design

Most of the time I work from a set of standard designs, a derby style, a standard crook, a ball head, etc.  I now do a lot of what i call the gentlemans cane, a design i borrowed from my friend George MacDonald that can work well as a cane, a crook or a walking stick.  That being said perhaps the most exciting time for me is when i come up with something new, usually its a wrinkle or variation of one of my base designs (like the carvings of dogs head etc on the ends of derby sticks and gentlemans canes) but every once in a while is a whole new concept.  I have been thinking a lot recently about sticks for walkers, not for support but to help set your stride, your pace, your tempo.  Nowadays many people use what are basically ski poles for this purpose but i find them inelegant. Late last night I had an idea for a hiking stick design that could be functional, elegant and leave room for personal expression in the form of carvings of this that or the other.  So here it is the simple version of the concept.  It takes its design concept from some antler walking sticks i made that were very popular. basically it has a handle coming back from the shank at a downward angle such that when you hold it and reach out and plant your stick your hand is at a natural angle.  It needs a bit of refinement yet, the angle needs to change a bit and it should probably be a bit longer in the handle area but its not bad for a first prototype.  As far as more elaborate version are concerned all i need to do is extend it out in the other direction form the handle beyond the shank to leave a space for some nice carvings without interfering with the utility of the stick, it may improve the balance as well.


  1. when artists are seized by a new concept, they can't stand not to be able to work on it RIGHT AWAY! (i'm speaking from experience here...) i saw that yesterday when Ian sketched out this new handle design as soon as he woke up in the morning, and before i knew it he was out in his workshop creating this first version of it. it's definitely a winner, both graceful and functional, perfect for people who like to hike trails or just go for walks to clear the mind and exercise the body. i'm definitely going to want one -- but i have a feeling i'll have to stand in line!

  2. Beautiful walking sticks! I enjoyed the photos very much and really like the stick with the carved leaves and vines.
